Authorised Translations of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
The Complete First Edition Collection

On 4 February 2025 I completed a project which had consumed me for the over two years—to put together a first edition collection of every authorised translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone organised in order of publication. In the beginning my goal was just to collect the first edition of each of the 80 languages Philosopher’s Stone had been translated into and this still remains the main core of my collection, however, as I progressed further in this endeavour I decided to add to the collection and include all the books on Potterglot’s list of ‘macroeditions’ which expanded the collection to a total of 106 books. It then included secondary translations, adaptations, revisions and one transliteration of the book (broken down as: 1 original language, 81 first translations, 8 secondary translations, 8 revisions, 7 adaptations and 1 transliteration). According to the linguistics department at the University of Chicago, Modern Greek and Ancient Greek are the same language although they’re accounted for separately in the collection.

Since I began collecting I had always focused on rare and signed Harry Potter books. In late 2022 I had completed a major goal which was to collect a completed American set of the Harry Potter books and advanced reader editions signed by Rowling. This had taken many years and afterwards I was ready to take on my next project which I decided would be to collect the first editions of all the translations of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. In 2016 Peter Kenneth (The Potter Collector) became the first Harry Potter collector in the world to successfully collect all authorised translations of Philosopher’s Stone which had been published. Since then many collectors have put together translation collections of book 1, focusing on text block, cover artwork and title font, but not on edition or print run. I wanted a challenge, but I also wanted to do something which hadn't yet been done to help advance what we known about Harry Potter translations so I decided I was only going to focus on the very first appearance of each translation.

For the past two years I’ve worked to determine what the true first edition (or first appearance) of each translation was (something which has never before been thoroughly documented), the publication date of each translation and the print run of each first edition. The books in the gallery below are the result of this work. The below collection is the first and only collection in the world to contain the first edition of each authorised translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

The specialised formats, braille and audiobooks, aren’t included.

A special thank you to anyone who has assisted with this collection, either by selling me a book or by providing pictures of copyright pages. Thank you as well to Sean (Potterglot), the worlds expert in Harry Potter translations and who has done more analysis and research than anyone in the world into Harry Potter translations. Please enjoy viewing the collection, click on each image for more information. I see this as my contribution to the Harry Potter translation collecting community, it’s the best I can do.

To view the current list of Macroeditions please visit the Potterglot website: Potterglot - Philosopher’s Stone Macroedition collector list